Adding That Falling Bug to Centipede

Session Planning Back to centipede! Adding that falling bug creature. It should be pretty much exactly like the worm, only moving vertically, and will create mushrooms in its wake. Rename the worm object to something else like simple-interval-creature (is that a horrible name?). This could be combined with spider as well, with an if statement on the type to change the shape and movement functions. Session Post Flies are in!...

March 5, 2018

I'm an Indie Game Developer

Can I say that? Does it make people think I’ll never focus or settle? Are they sighing and looking at me with frustration and thinking “Not this again?” Does it matter what they think? Answer to all: maybe. I have half a dozen self-published, unfinished games that nobody plays up on a free hosting site. They aren’t very good. Three of them are really poor copies of some of the best games of all time....

February 26, 2018

Shu ha ri  [draft] shu (守) “protect”, “obey”—traditional wisdom—learning fundamentals, techniques, heuristics, proverbs ha (破) “detach”, “digress”—breaking with tradition—detachment from the illusions of self ri (離) “leave”, “separate”—transcendence—there are no techniques or proverbs, all moves are natural, becoming one with spirit alone without clinging to forms; transcending the physical You cannot write without reading. It is impossible to write well without first consuming colossal amounts of reading material. The writer must input massive amounts of information and ideas into their brain, then simmer in thought for a great while, before finally being able to form unique ideas of their own on demand....

January 21, 2018

How I Learned Japanese by Playing Stardew Valley  [draft]

found common symbols between ores and bars (iron, copper, gold) and tools (replace iron with steel). iron, copper, and steel have very similar symbols; they look like something shiny under a hill, followed by another shape. Copper and steel 2nd symbol looks similar, but the shape inside the container is different. Don’t really see similarities between those and iron’s second symbol. Gold is different entirely. It looks like a little shrine, or a slightly different shape under the hill....

January 15, 2018

Books vs. Articles: What's Best for Learning?

What’s a better source of knowledge? A book or an article? We’re talking physical book vs digital article here. An article gives readers an injection of thought-provoking, potentially worldview-altering/confirming serum (if they’re reading the right articles) and maybe a lesson they can absorb and apply to their lives then and there. But how do they keep track of it? What binds in memory the many disparate topics on articles one might read throughout the day?...

October 17, 2017

A Blogging Experiment Post-Mortem

Alt Title: How Not To Make a Ton of Money Blogging About Things That Matter to You Why Do I Write? I mostly write for selfish reasons. I started blogging because I thought passive income would be great, but then after a while I realized it’s probably the wrong niche, and I’d have to (be really annoying || prolific || write about popular things to generate clicks) to even be seen, and that’s not what I want to spend my resources on....

October 15, 2017

Ready, Set, Flail

My Origin Story I started my career as a student. I’m still a student. I didn’t know what I wanted. OK, I knew I wanted to just play games, eat pizza, and drink mountain dew all day. But none of that was going to get me anywhere except diabetic. I knew I wanted a stable profession, and of the handful of mentors I had at the time, half of them were pushing me to technology, one specifically to engineering....

September 7, 2017

Hosting Node.js and Express App on Heroku

I’ve been checking Node.js out lately, and thought I’d share a quick Hello World using the Jade templating engine. Get Node set up From your terminal: 1 2 3 4 5 cd /tmp wget tar xvfz node-v6.9.2-linux-x64.tar.gz mkdir -p /usr/local/nodejs mv node-v6.9.2-linux-x64/* /usr/local/nodejs Then add this to your ~/.bashrc: 1 export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/nodejs/bin Don’t forget to source your .bashrc 1 source ~/.bashrc Test the new environment variable...

January 23, 2017

Building a Single User Dungeon With Java: The Knights of Something Notable

I wanted to get my hands dirty while making something fun. I LOVE text adventure RPGs, and I LOVE MUDs, so I’m attempting to build a cross between the two: a Single User Dungeon (SUD). A few notes on code quality Most of this code is pretty rough. I was mostly trying things until they worked and reflecting on what went well and what didn’t. I do love that git captures this process for me....

January 2, 2017