Graveyard Keeper Sanity Check [draft]
Nope, none left dude, graveyard keeper arbitrary goal has probably evolved too far i’m doing math on efficiency of making one thing over another for maximum profit i’ve got 4 blog posts in progress talking about what to ignore and what to bumrush, and what kind of milestones to hit for certain production targets ok, one talking about that one about the specific church unlock in < 6 days bumrush one about general reactions to the game as a normal person like, seriously considering a gantt chart, right now the quest sequence is in calendar form and still not sure game win in < 100 days is possible I think I’m ahead of the crisis curve, then schedule slip because I’m the facilitator of all these conversations that characters just aren’t available for I think I’m clever for ignoring the garden and grapes, then it bites me in the ass and causes a 3 week delay in the inquisitor quests which gates 2 other questlines Though now that I think harder, I realize i can solve that by just buying wine, but that’s a short term solution, and a larger setback in the game progress as a whole, because money is the biggest blocker