Amazon Game Lift: Day One

I’m working on getting back into using AWS tools, and ran across their game hosting tool: Game Lift. It has support for Unity 2019. We’re hosting a game, yo. Bullets from main tutorial: Each version of your game server is called a build Game servers are deployed into fleets of one or more Amazon EC2 instances (this takes a while) There also seems to be a hard limit of one instance for free (?...

June 4, 2020

Building a Hugo Blog  [draft]

Apparently I didn’t take any notes when I originally converted my blog to hugo templating. This seems odd, so I probably just misplaced them. The blog content repo was created November 4th, 2018. Setup steps Initialize the submodule for your preferred theme. Here’s a couple: 1 2 git submodule add themes/prav git submodule add themes/ananke This will create a .gitmodules file at the root of your repo, and a linked project in the target directory....

February 1, 2020

Beyond: Two Souls - Reactions

Game feel Beyond: Two Souls is like a Bond game action scene in slow motion. It has vehicles, a cool underwater base infiltration scene, and you get to save the world from the bad guys. But rather than a playboy with an ever-ready quip, you play an emotionally damaged woman with a unique ability who simply yearns for a normal life. There’s also no penalty for idling (usually) mid-action scene, and seemingly no penalty for doing a terrible job....

January 26, 2020

Terraforming my Droplet

No more manual config I want to run my droplet with my blog and all my games and silly one-off web apps without ever touching it manually. This would allow me to destroy and rebuild it on a whim, using config as code, CI/CD, etc.. I recently messed around with user access and locked myself out of my droplet. Around the same time, my draft blog stopped updating properly. The update failure is likely a file ownership problem....

January 18, 2020

Syncing Public GitLab Projects to GitHub

set up your access and tools You’ll need python/pip/virtualenv git 1.7.3 or newer (for the hub tool) a GitHub ssh key configured on your GitHub account a GitLab ssh key configured on your GitLab account a GitLab API token the hub tool clone the projects usage 1 2 3 4 5 6 export GL_TOKEN='yourtokenhere' export GL_URL='' virtualenv -p python3 venv . venv/bin/activate pip install python-gitlab python main....

December 30, 2019

Factorio: No Spoon Achievement


December 29, 2019

All the RH notes  [draft]

linking files and the inode identifies files permissions ownership date and time stamps paths to data on file system everything about the file except for the file name itself 1 2 someuser@somehost ~/workspace/someuser_/redhat_training > ls -li asdf 139117524 -rw-rw-r--. 1 someuser someuser 0 Nov 26 16:23 asdf flag -i shows inode id 1 = one name pointing to that file 1 2 3 4 5 someuser@somehost ~/workspace/someuser_/redhat_training > ln asdf asdf2 someuser@somehost ~/workspace/someuser_/redhat_training > ls -li total 0 139117524 -rw-rw-r--....

December 12, 2019

RH notes 6  [draft]

configuring networking from the command line nmcli : interface to the network manager daemon /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts : nmcli con sho : show connections watch some videos on DNS/networking, knowledge still feels kind of loose nmcli con add con-name foo ifname enp1s0 type ethernet : add a network connection with: name: foo ifname: enp1s0 type: ethernet editing network configuration files ls -l /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* : network config config files configuring hostnames and name resolution hostname...

December 12, 2019

Random YouTube Notes  [draft]

history of linux 1964 GE, Bell, Multics, MIT PDP Unics - uniplex informational computing service, started for the need to port a video game called “Time Travel” like multics, only castrated GNU Free software revolution, Stallman, guy behind Lisp Minix - unix-ish learning OS for students Linus, posted about OS he was working on, originally named Freax

December 11, 2019

RH notes 5  [draft]

maintaining accurate time it’s ok to have the wrong time as long as everyone has the wrong time timedatectl : see system time user@host ~ > timedatectl Local time: Tue 2019-12-10 17:11:32 CST Universal time: Tue 2019-12-10 23:11:32 UTC RTC time: Tue 2019-12-10 23:11:32 Time zone: America/Chicago (CST, -0600) NTP enabled: yes NTP synchronized: yes RTC in local TZ: no DST active: no Last DST change: DST ended at Sun 2019-11-03 01:59:59 CDT Sun 2019-11-03 01:00:00 CST Next DST change: DST begins (the clock jumps one hour forward) at Sun 2020-03-08 01:59:59 CST Sun 2020-03-08 03:00:00 CDT...

December 10, 2019