configuring networking from the command line
: interface to the network manager daemon
nmcli con sho
: show connections
watch some videos on DNS/networking, knowledge still feels kind of loose
nmcli con add con-name foo ifname enp1s0 type ethernet
: add a network connection with:
- name: foo
- ifname: enp1s0
- type: ethernet
editing network configuration files
ls -l /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*
: network config config files
configuring hostnames and name resolution
hostnamectl status
hostnamectl set-hostname
user@host ~ > getent hosts localhost ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6
archiving and transferring files
tar -cf etc.tar /etc
tar -tf etc.tar
tar -cf userhome.tar /home/user
: create a tar with a dir, removing the leading /
tar -tf userhome.tar
: investigate tar contents
tar -czf mydir-backup-$(date +%F).tar.gz
: add a datestamp to the tar name
tar compression
: gzip, strongcfj
: bzip, strongercfJ
: xzip, strongestcf
: no compression
tar -xf
: e(x)tract from (f)ile
tar -xf the.tar.xz path/to/dir
: extract just target dir
transferring files between systems securely
, uses ssh
scp -r user@host:/somedir .
: copy remote somedir to this location
: secure FTP-type interface, FTP over ssh; traditional FTP is plaintext, so don’t use that
sftp is basically interactive scp
sftp> ls
: execute ls in the sftp connection
sftp> mkdir adir
: make a dir in the sftp connection
sftp> lcd alocaldir
: change to a local directory
sftp> put alocaldir
: upload a local directory to remote sftp server
syncronizing files between systems securely
: uses ssh to synchronize files between systems
rysnc -Par otherhost:/adir .
: progress, archive, recursively
this means repeated commands will send a file list, and only sync the difference between the two systems
installing and updating software packages
subscription manager tool
subscription-manager status
: get status of machine
subscription-manager register
: tell redhat about your host
subscription-manager attach --auto
: idk
subscription-manager repos --disable='*' --enable myrepo
: disable all repos then explicitly enable one asset management
need rpm file, can do queries against database or file
: redhat package management, archive of all the files and directories, metadata, and scripts to handle the lifecycle
- all installed software is stored in the rpm database
- resolves packages
- helps prevent conflicts
- redhat signs the packages with gpg private key, and makes the public key available to everyone
- redhat provides a full install of a package, not just updates to existing packages
- it is possible to have multiple versions of packages installed as long as they have different names
ls -l *.rpm
rpm -i my.rpm
: install an rpm; will inform about failed dependencies but will not resolve/install them
rpm -qf /etc/ssh/sshd_config
: (q)uery target (f)ile, shows which package provides the file
yumdownloader openssh-server
: downloads an openssh-server file
rpm -qpl openssh-server-*
: conduct a (q)uery against the rpm (p)ackage, (l)isting files
rpm -qpd openssh-server-*
: conduct a (q)uery against the rpm (p)ackage, showing (d)ocumentation
rpm2cpio myrpm | cpio -duim
: unpacking an archive, extracting all files and dirs
installing and updating software packages with yum
yum can execute against rpm database, or local rpm file, or repositories
yum search nmap
: find packages in repos
yum info nmap
: get info about package
repoquery -l nmap
: list package files
yum provides *bin/authconfig
: find packages providing specific file
yum remove nmap
: remove nmap
don’t use -y
when removing software, because you could remove dependencies
yum group list
: show groups
yum group info 'Development Tools'
: show details about target group
: replace the word info in previous command with install
yum history
user@host ~ > yum history Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks You don’t have access to the history DB.
where does software come from
yum repolist all
: list all repos
cat /etc/yum.repos.d/rhel_dvd.repo
: read repo details
managing package module streams: testing multiple versions of software in RHEL8
- modularity: single repo, multiple versions and dependencies of application
- module is a group of rpms
- modules have different streams
- only one can be enabled at a time
- yum module subcommand
- app stream: provides software with different life cycles
yum module list perl
: shows all streams, and default stream
perl: Practical Extraction and Report Language
yum module info perl
yum module install perl
yum install @perl
: installs a group
- @ means item acting against is a module
accessing linux file systems
block devices (ls -l
will show leading b
) are special files which represent real storage devices, /dev
, /sda
, sdb
, etc.
: show block(s)
partitions etc.
single file system from multiple disks using LVM
df -h
: shows file systems
df -h /
: shows specific file system
mounting and unmounting file systems
mount what where
: mount the what device to the where location
umount what
: unmount a device
locating files in the system
find where how what
find / -name sshd_config
: search entire filesystem by name for sshd_config
- use
for case-insensitive search
find / -user someuser
: find all files owned by someuser, can also use userid
you can use -delete
to delete found files, oh man
find / -type f -user someuser -size -10M
: find files owned by someuser less than 10M in size
find /home -size +10M -iname "*.mkv" -exec rm -f {} \;
: removes files greater than 10M that have the mkv extension
: represents what’s going to be found\;
: terminates the command- can also use
instead of-exec...
find /home -perm 111
: find files with exactly permissions 111 (exec)
find /home -perm /111
: find files with permissions 111 (exec) in them
find /home -type f -perm /111
: find files with permissions 111 (exec) in them that are just files
find /home -type f -perm /111 -exec rm -i {} \;
: find files with permissions 111 (exec) in them that are just files, then do an interactive removal
find /home -type f -perm /111 -exec chmod -x {} \;
: find files with permissions 111 (exec) in them that are just files, then remove the execution permission
find /home -type f -mmin -60
: find files modified in the last 60 minutes
: uses a database of files on file system
- need to run
to update the source dateabase - not too reliable because it’s dependent on
- is not as flexible as
analyzing and managing remote servers
firewall-cmd --add-service cockpit
: not persistent, will not survive reboot or restart of the firewall daemon
- cockpit is the web user interface for managing systems